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Our Diverse Engagements: From Barcelona to the USA

Interactive session where, with Marc Oliveras, we unravel the mysteries of how computers learn and delve into the essential aspects of creating AI models.
We explore the key components needed to successfully build models and gain practical knowledge when entering the fascinating world of artificial intelligence.
The future of work
Pau Gimeno offers us a session to learn key aspects of how to use social networks as a tool for career advancement.
We create our LinkedIn profile and learn how the connection system works and what are the main considerations to take into account.
With Ricardo García we will learn the main steps to create a start-up. He teaches us by outlining the steps with the collective and fictitious creation of a company.
What is a start-up? A start-up is a company that is born out of a search for a solution to a problem. It starts as a small company that grows very quickly.
One of the experiences that our students are living with the Richy Foundation is the trip we have made to Cambridge, the epicentre of technological innovation and cutting-edge research. We visited MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Harvard University (@harvard), accompanied by students from these institutions who explained to us first-hand the importance of these centres of study.
Design Thinking
Interactive session led by Jennifer DiMase on Design Thinking, an approach to creative problem solving! This is a dynamic exploration of this innovative process as students unleash their imagination through interactive activities.
The Leaders of Tomorrow
Exciting session where students enter the captivating world of transformational leadership with Javier Prieto – The Dalai Lama Center MIT.
Through discussion and fun activities, they explore what it takes to be an ethical leader.
CRISPR Genome Editing
Led by Paula Gutiérrez, (Intellia Therapeutics, Inc.) students discover the power of CRISPR and are immersed in the revolutionary world of the genome through a technology that unlocks the secrets of DNA. We learned how this technology works and its great utility in curing genetic diseases.
Climate change
We dive deep into the captivating world of changes in the Earth’s climate system. We collectively explore how our decisions and actions as individuals within a community can change our future.
Awaking vocations
How can you orientate your future? In the session Awaking vocations, the speaker Laura Celano helps participants learn how to mix vocation and passion to guide their academic and professional tendencies.
We went on a trip to Concord with a double objective. First we went to visit an emblematic place for all those who enjoy literature: Louisa May Alcott’s Orchard House, best known for being the place where the author wrote and set Little Women in 1868. We then head to Minute Man National Historical Park, where the opening battle of the American Revolution took place in 1775.
Pitch gapminder
We use the data provided by the Gapminder platform, an NGO that collects information through graphics, to develop pitches on different topics: suicide, the water problem, extreme poverty, life expectancy, etc. We learn how to convince potential listeners with words, technical aids and our body postures.
Community cercle
All these days we have been learning and sharing moments with some American colleagues. To say goodbye properly, we do the Community Cercle activity, an emotional activity that exposes the sensations and emotions that we have lived together.