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The NuVu studios
With this project and its methodology, which we have been implementing at ELH for years, students learn competencies and multidisciplinary skills through teamwork.
For two weeks, our students work intensively and in English, increasing their autonomy, self-confidence, critical thinking, creativity and understanding of world problems.
Each Studio begins with a phase of extensive research and analysis on a specific topic, where students explore a variety of existing projects to inspire, motivate and stimulate their creativity.
The second phase includes intermediate activities that allow students to develop a variety of skills, such as drawing sketches, creating rapid prototypes, taking good photographs, making effective presentations and learning to communicate clearly.
In the last phase, after a brainstorming activity, students come up with ideas to solve the challenges. Each team chooses an initial idea based on their personal concerns and develops it through rapid prototyping, presentations and critical feedback sessions.
The project culminates in a final public presentation, in which students showcase the story of their project, highlighting the parts of the process that led them to the final version. This year, the project is focused on creating puppets to represent the story “The Superpower Inside You”. This book is an adaptation of the true story of Amin Sheikh, who lived on the streets as a child and is the founder of the “Bombay to Barcelona Library Café” in Bombay (a café that, in addition to employing former street children, also provides them with housing, medical care, education and training).